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Diseases of Crop Plants, Farming System Principles and Practices, Fruits for the Future(Vol.1: Well Versed Arid And Semi Arid Fruits), Indian Medicinal Plants, Mango: Preventive Practices and Curative Measures, Underutilized Vegetable Crops, Pests of fruit crops, Citrus Health Management, Herbaceous Perennial Plants: A Treatise on their identification, Culture, and Garden Attributes- Third Edition , Potatoes Postharvest, Grapes Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, No. 16, Tropical Root and Tuber Crops :Cassava, Sweet Potato, Yams and Aroids Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, Vol 17 , Onions and Other Vegetable Alliums, second edition Crop Production Science in Horticulture, The Encyclopedia of Fruit & Nuts, Vegetable Brassicas and Related Crucifers Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, 14, Tomatoes Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, No. 13 , Mites of Greenhouses: Identification, Biology and Control, Diseases of Tropical Fruit Crops, Tropical Fruit Pests and Pollinators: Biology, Economic Importance, Natural Enemies and Control, Strawberries Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, No 11, Tropical Fruits Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, No 7 , Genetic and Environmental Manipulation of Horticultural Crops, The Mango: Botany, Production and Uses, Cucurbits Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, No 6, Onions and other Vegetables Alliums Crop Production Science in Horticulture Series, No 3 , Pest and Soil Management of Horticultural Crops, Management of Horticultural Crop, Quality Management in Horticulture, Biodiversity in Horticultural Crops (Volume 2) , Encyclopedia of Plant Diseases in Agriculture & Horticulture (In 4 Volumes), Flower Crops: Cultivation & Management, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Horticulture, Laboratory Manual of Analytical Techniques in Horticulture, Advances in Arid Horticulture (Volume 2), Varieties of Horticultural Crops, HANDBOOK OF VEGATABLE CROPS, A TEXTBOOK ON POMOLOGY VOLL-111, HORTICULTURE AT GLANCE, OLERICULTURE IN INDIA, SCIENTIFIC CULTIVATION OF VEGETABLES, BASICS OF HORTICULTURE, BREEDING OF HORTICULTURAL CROPS, PROPAGATION OF HORTICULTURAL CROPS, FRUIT CROPS , FLOWERING TREES, FLOWERS FOR TRADE, INNOVATIVE HORTICULTURE, COMMERCIAL CROPS VOL.1, OBJECTIVE VEGETABLE SCIENCE, Compendium of Potato Diseases, Second Edition