|Submit a free reprint |Submit an article| Or, send your review or reprint to hortportal@gmail.com 2,4-D and NAA supplementation mitigates autotoxicity of strawberry in hydroponics, H. KitazawaA, T. AsaoB*, T. BanB, Y. HashimotoC, T. Hosoki, A simple and rapid extraction method to determine osmolar concentration of soluble carbohydrates from rose petals, Ryo Norikoshi1,2, Hideo Imanishi2 and Kazuo Ichimura1, Effects of abusive temperatures on the postharvest quality of lettuce leaves: ascorbic acid loss and microbial growth, María del R. Moreiraab*, Alejandra G. Ponceb, Carlos E. del Vallea, R. Ansorenab and S.I. Rourab, Biodegradable paper/polymerized vegetable oil mulches for tomato and pepper production, Randal L. Shogren1* and Monica David2, Chlorine disinfection: effects on hydroponics lettuce, Zdenka Premuzic1, Hemilse E. Palmucci2, Juan Tamborenea3 and Martin Nakama4, Citrus canker – A review, A.K. Das, Compact 3U as a novel lighting source for the propagation of some horticultural plants, D.T. Nhut1*, M.T. Ngoc Huong1, D.V. Khiem1 and J.A. Teixeira da Silva2, Comparison of CVA, DRIS, MDRIS and CND norms in rhizomes of turmeric crop in Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu, P.S. Senthil Kumar, S. Aruna Geetha and P. Savithri, Developmental influence of in vitro light quality and carbon dioxide on photochemical efficiency of PS II of strawberry leaves (Fragaria x ananassa), John H. Miranda* and Richard Williams, Economic rationale of commercial organic fertilizer technology in vegetable production in Osun State of Nigeria, T. Alimi*, O.C. Ajewole**, O.O. Olubode-Awosola* and E.O. Idowu*, Ectopic expression of Mn-SOD in Lycopersicon esculentum leads to enhanced tolerance to salt and oxidative stress, Yueju WangA*, Michael WisniewskiB**, Richard MeilanC, Sandra L. UratsuD, Minggang CuiA, Abhaya DandekarD and Leslie FuchigamiA, Effect of grafting on growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in greenhouse and open-field, E.M. Khah*, E. Kakava*, A. Mavromatis*, D. Chachalis** and C. Goulas*, Effect of low-tunnel, mulching and pruning on the yield and earliness of tomato in unheated glasshouse, Levent Arin and Sözer Ankara, Effect of root zone cooling on fl ower development and fruit set of ‘Satohnishiki’ sweet cherry, Kenji Beppu*, Makito Iino and Ikuo Kataoka, Effect of slow release multi-nutrient fertilizers on the yield and nutrient uptake in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.), R. Jagadeeswaran*, V. Murugappan and M. Govindaswamy, Effect of slow release multi-nutrient fertilizers on the yield and nutrient uptake in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.), R. Jagadeeswaran*, V. Murugappan and M.Govindaswamy, Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene on the postharvest life of Eksotika papaya, Phebe Ding and Ng Swee Bee, Effects of cultivar, root container size and temperature on the days to ? owering and the number of leaves to the ? rst in? orescence in tomato, Cyd Celeste Cagas, Miki Nakata*, Mae Rose Sumugat and Nobuo Sugiyama, Effects of high temperature on fl oral development and fl owering in spray chrysanthemum, Kouju Nozaki and Seiichi Fukai*, Environmental impact of phosphorus overfertilization in tomato greenhouse production, Lidia Giuffré1, Margarita Alconada2, Carla Pascale3 and Silvia Ratto4, Expression of green fluorescent protein gene in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) tissues, D. Puchooa, Factors affecting fruit abortion in a gynoecious cucumber cultivar, A. Tazuke1, P. Boonkorkaew2, S. Hikosaka2 and N. Sugiyama2, Flowering time and concentration of secondary metabolites in fl oral organs of Hypericum perforatum are affected by spectral quality, Tetsuro Nishimura*, Naoka Hashimoto, Sayed M.A. Zobayed and Eiji Goto, Generation and ethylene production of transgenic carnations harboring ACC synthase cDNA in sense or antisense orientation, Y. Iwazaki1, Y. Kosugi2, K. Waki1, T. Yoshioka1 and S. Satoh1*, Growth and flowering response of snapdragons after release from apical dominance, Muhammad Munir1 and Farhat Naz2, Gynostemma pentaphyllum cultivation in Sydney, Australia and its comparison with products from China, Valentina Razmovski-Naumovski, George Qian Li and Colin C. Duke, Impact of Anthurium spp. genotype on callus induction derived from leaf explants, and shoot and root regeneration capacity from callus, Duong Tan Nhut1, Nguyen Duy1, Nguyen Nhu Ha Vy1, Chau Diem Khue1, Dinh Van Khiem1 and Do Nang Vinh, Induction of phenolic compounds biosynthesis with light irradiation in the fl esh of red and yellow apples, D. Bakhshi and O. Arakawa, Interactions among rooting substrate, phenological stage of cuttings and auxin concentration on the rooting of Cotinus obovatus, Geoffrey C. Denny and Michael A. Arnold, Internal quality characterization and isolation of lycopene specifi c genes from tomato, E. Hemaprabha1 and R. Balasaraswathi2, Microponic and hydroponic techniques in disease-free chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum sp.) production, Duong Tan Nhut, Nguyen Trinh Don, Truong Thi Thuy An, Tran Pham Thanh Van, Nguyen Hong Vu, Phan Xuan Huyen and Dinh Van Khiem, Mild heat shocks to extend the shelf life of minimally processed lettuce, Moreiraab*, R. María del, Ponceb, G. Alejandra, del Vallea, E. Carlos, L. Pereyraa, and S.I. Rourab, Morphological changes in the apex of Prunus persica L. during fl oral transition and effects of gibberellin on fl ower bud differentiation, L. Andreini* and S. Bartolini, N-NO3 from cellular extract as an indicator of nutritional status of cantaloupe muskmelon in fertigation, Maria Remedios Cigales Rivero1 and Octavio Perez Zamora2, Powdery mildew - A serious disease of mango, A.K. Misra, Quantitative analysis of relative growth rate based on leaf growth characteristics and evapotranspiration of eggplant and tomato under periodic water deficit at reproductive stage, Bikash C. Sarker1 and Michihiro Hara, Reduced ethylene production in transgenic carnations transformed with ACC oxidase cDNA in sense orientation, Takayuki Inokuma1, Tomoyuki Kinouchi1 and Shigeru Satoh1, 2*, Response of tomato plants to de? cit irrigation under surface or subsurface drip irrigation, Miguel A. del Amor1 and Francisco M. del Amor2, Soil moisture regime effect on the performance of watermelon under varying nitrogen levels in a semi-arid region, M.A. Hussaini1, A.A. Ramalan2 and M.K. Othman3, Soil, plant and canopy resistance to water ? ow in bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) as affected by fertigation regimes, S.O. Agele, Some changes in postharvest physiology and activities of glutamine synthetase in broccoli head supplied with exogenous sucrose during storage, Dewoowoogen P. Baclayon, Toshiyuki Matsui, Haruo Suzuki and Yusuke Kosugi, Some compositional changes in Kent mango (Mangifera indica) slices during storage, Beatriz Tovar1, 2, Lilia I. Ibarra1, Hugo S. García2, and Miguel Mata1, Effects of sugars and aminooxyacetic acid on the longevity of pollinated Dendrobium (Heang Beauty) fl owers, S. Chandran1, C.L. Toh1, R. Zuliana1, Y.K. Yip1, H. Nair2 and A.N. Boyce1, The effect of anti-hail nets on fruit protection, radiation, temperature, quality and profi tability of ‘Mondial Gala’ apples, Ignasi Iglesias* and Simó Alegre, Tolerance of lilyturf (Liriope muscari) and four perennial ornamental grasses to preemergent herbicides, James T. Cole and Janet C. Cole, Transgenic tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) overexpressing cAPX exhibits enhanced tolerance to UV-B and heat stress, Yueju WangA*, Michael WisniewskiB*, Richard MeilanC, Minggang CuiA and Leslie FuchigamiA, Use of a chlorophyll meter and plant visual aspect for nitrogen management in tomato fertigation, Paulo Cezar Rezende Fontes and Charles de Araujo, Variation in canopy characteristics of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars from diverse eco-geographical regions, Shailendra Rajan, Ram Kumar and S.S. Negi, Water requirements and use of Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) seedlings grown under arid conditions, A.E. Moftah and A.I. AL-Humaid, Yield and nitrogen recovery of lettuce under different irrigation regimes, F. Karam1, O. Mounzer1, F. Sarkis2 and R. Lahoud1, Carotenoid Pigments of Badami Mango Fruit, G. B. RAMASARMA, S. D. RAO AND D. N. HAKIM, GIS-based land suitability assessment for Musa(ABB group ) palantion, Jarutorn Boonyanuphap, Det Wattanachaiyingcharoen and Katsutoshi Sakurai, |