Horticulture Technologies

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A process and design to reduce pollution load in waste waters of cassava starch / sago factories, Ajowan : NRCSS-AA-1, Ajowan : NRCSS-AA-2, Amorphophallus : Bidhan Kusum, Amorphophallus : Gajendra, Amorphophallus : Narendra Asha, Anise : NRCSS AAni-1, Aonla : Goma Aishwarya, Aonla cider, Aonla De-stoning Machine, Aonla segments-in-syrup, Application of Cement Kiln Flue Dust as source of potassium and soil amendments in banana cultivation, Arvi : Bidhan Chaithanya, Arvi : Indira Arvi-1, Arvi : Kadma-Birsa arvi, Arvi : PKS-1, Ash Gourd : Kashi Dhawal (IVAG 502), Ash Gourd : Kashi Ujwal (IVAG-90), Automatic Sequential Irrigation System, Bacillus subtilis MTCC5405*, Banana : Udhayam, Banana flower pickle (Thokku) from waste banana male flower buds., BANANA SHAKTI (Micronutrient Mixture), Bell Pepper : CPMR-1, Ber : Thar Bhubhraj, Ber : Thar Sevika, Biomass fired dryer, Biscuits from banana flour, Black pepper : IISR-Girimunda, Black pepper : IISR-Malabar Excel, Black pepper : IISR-Sakthi , Black pepper : IISR-Thevam, Blended RTS beverage from mango and papaya, Boer cross goat, Bottle Gourd : Kashi Ganga (DVBG-1), Bottle gourd : Thar Samridhi, Bottle Gourd Hybrid : Kashi Bahar (VRH-1), Brining Preservation of vegetables., Brinjal : Arka Anand, F1 hybrid resistant to bacterial wilt., Brinjal : Kashi Prakash (IVBR-1), Brinjal : Kashi Sandesh (VRBHR-1), Brinjal : Kashi Taru (IBVL-9), Brinjal Long F1 Hybrid : Kashi Komal (IVBHL-54) h, Broad Bed and Furrow (BBF) System, Bunda : Narendra Bunda-21, C F B Boxes, Cabinet type solar De-hydrator, Cardamom : IISR-Avinash , Cardamom : IISR-Kodagu Suvasini , Cardamom : IISR-Vijetha , Cashew : Bhaskara, Cashew : BPP-8, Cashew : Dhana, Cashew : NRCC Selection-2, Cashew : Priyanka , Cashew : Vengurla-4, Cashew : Vengurla-6, Cashew : Vengurla-7, Cashew : VRI-3, Cassava : CO-3, Cassava : H-165, Cassava : H-226, Cassava : Sree Padmanabha (MNga 1), Cassava chipping machine, Cassava harvester, Cassava rasper, Cauliflower : Cauliflower, Cauliflower : Kashi Agahani, Celery : NRCSS A Cel-1, Chilli : Arka Harita-F1 hybrid developed using CGMS (Cytoplasmic Genic Male Sterile) line, Chilli : Arka Meghana, F1 hybrid developed using CGMS (Cytoplasmic Genic Male Sterile) line, Chilli : Arka Sweta-F1 hybrid developed using CGMS (Cytoplasmic Genic Male Sterile) line, Chilli : CGMS (Cytoplasmic Genic Male Sterile) lines with maintainers-MS1, MS2, MS3 and MS4, Chilli : Kashi Anmol (KA-2), Chilli : Powdery mildew resistant chilli lines, Chilli F1 Hybrid : Kashi Early (CCH-3) , Chilli F1 Hybrid : Kashi Surkh (CCH-2) , chips, Coconut : Kalpa Mitra, Coconut : Chandra Kalpa, Coconut : Chandra Laksha, Coconut : Chandra Sankara, Coconut : Chowghat Orange Dwarf, Coconut : Kalpa Dhenu, Coconut : Kalpa Pratibha, Coconut : Kalpa Raksha, Coconut : Kera Chandra, Coconut : Kera Sankara, Coconut de-shelling machine, Cold water miscible starch (Texcool), Composting of mango peel, Coriander : NRCSS-ACr-1, Cowpea : Kashi Gauri (VRCP-2), Cowpea : Kashi Kanchan (VRCP-4), Cowpea : Kashi Shyamal (IVRCP-1), Cowpea : Kashi Unnati (VRCP-3), Culinary pastes (ginger, onion and garlic), Cultivation of Elm Oyster mushroom (Hypsizygous ulmarius), Cultivation of Milky mushroom (Calocybe indica), Cultivation of Shiitake mushroom(Lentinula edodes), Diagnostic kit to detect Citrus tristeza virus in citrus Dip stick format and ELISA format based on Monoclonal antibodies, Diagnostic kit to detect downy mildew of grapes, Diagnostic kit to detect Ralstonia solanacearum from infected tissues, Diagnostics for viruses infecting black pepper, Dill : NRCSS-AD-1, Dill : NRCSS-AD-2, Eco friendly management of banana weevils, Edible mushrooms, Ensiling technology for cassava, Enzyme clarified Ready to Serve banana beverage, Ethanol from cassava, Feed granulator, Fennel : NRCSS-AF-1, Fenugreek : NRCSS- AM-1, Fenugreek : NRCSS- AM-2, Fertigation in banana, Fertigation Requirement of Citrus, Foliar micronutrient formulation for Banana (Crop specific micronutrient formulations), Foliar micronutrient formulation for Mango, French Bean : Kashi Param (IVFB-1), Fried cassava chips with improved textural quality and bette colour, Ginger : IISR-Mahima , Ginger : IISR-Prathiba , Ginger : IISR-Rejatha , Ginger : IISR-Varada , Grape : A17-3 A clonal selection from the Introduced cv.Centennial Seedless (Vitis vinifera L.) during 1983, from UC, Davis, California, USA., Grape : Flame Seedless (EC -312409) (Vitis vinifera L), was introduced into India at IIHR, Bangalore during 1990 from UC, Davis, California, USA., Grape : Red Globe cultivar (Vitis vinifera L) was introduced during 1983, from UC, Davis, California, USA., Grape : Rootstock 110 Richter (110 R) was introduced into our country at IIHR, Bangalore from 3 different sources viz USA, Canada and France in 1971. It was collected at NRCG from ARI, Pune, one among the AICRP (Grapes) centers in the country., Guava : Lalit, Guava : Shweta, Guava cider, Hand operated coconut dehusker, High Density Planting, IIHR Bag/ bottle filler, IIHR Boiled grain and chalk powder mixer, IIHR Electrically Operated Grain Boiler, IIHR Expanding belt type size grader, IIHR Expanding gap gravity size grader, IIHR Hand operated spawn inoculator, IIHR Hot water treatment plant for mango, IIHR Lime harvester, IIHR mango harvester, IIHR Manual cum Motorized Spawn Grain Cleaner, IIHR raised bed former cum transplanter cum planter for vegetable crops, IIHR raised bed weeder for vegetable crops, IIHR Raw mango cube cutter, IIHR Raw mango peeler, IIHR Raw mango slicer, IIHR Sapota/Guava harvester, IIHR-Pseudomonas fluorescens 1% W.P., Immno diagnosis kit (ELISA) for detection of banana bunchy top virus (BBTV), Immno diagnostic kit for banana mosaic caused by Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV), Individual shrink-wrapping of pomegranate and capsicum fruits., Indoor cultivation technology of paddy straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea), Inoculum of Phosphate solubilising bacterial (PSB) strains, Integrated Farming System, Japanese quail or Bater (Coturnix coturnix japonica), Kachri : AHK-200, Kakri : AHC-13, Khejri : Thar Shobha, Large scale production of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on finger millet, Leaf Nutrient Standards in Citrus, Long term preservation of raw mango slices in brine for use in pickling, Management of Sigatoka Leaf Spot diseases, Mango : Ambika, Mango Harvester, Manually operated onion grader, Marine Ornamental Fishes (Damsels), Microbudding, Micropropagation for chrysanthemum, Micropropagation for triploid watermelon, Micropropagation of horticultural crops (banana, grape, bougainvillea, chrysanthemum, lilies) disease-free planting material generation with reference to specific pathogens, Mobile starch extraction plant Model I and Model II, Motorized grader, Multiplex-PCR for simultaneous detection of three banana viruses., Muskmelon : Kashi Madhu (IVMM-3), NASH based detection of banana bunchy top virus(BBTV) / Banana streak virus / CMV /BBrMV, Neem soap and Pongamia soap for agriculture use, Nigella : NRCSS-AN-1, Nutmeg : IISR-Viswashree, Oil palm empty fruit bunch fibre extractor, Okra : Kashi Lila (IIVR-11), Okra : Kashi Mangali (VRO-4), Okra : Kashi Mohini (VRO-3), Okra : Kashi Pragati (VRO-6), Okra : Kashi Satdhari (IIVR-10), Okra : Kashi Vibhuti (VRO-5), Okra Hybrid : Kashi Bhairav (DVR-3), Okra Hybrid : Kashi Mahima (DVR-4), Okra Hybrid : Shitla Jyoti (DVR-2), Okra Hybrid : Shitla Uphar (DVR-1), Onion : Bhima Raj , Onion : Bhima Red , Onion : Bhima Super , Onion : Onion male sterile lines MS 48 A and B Line, Onion : Onion male sterile lines MS 65 A and B Line, Onion : Onion variety Arka Kirthman, Onion : Onion variety Arka Lalima, Organic banana production, Osmotic dehydration of fruits., Oyster mushroom cultivation, Paddy weeder, Paecilomyces lilacinus 1% W.P, Papaya : Surya, A gynodioecious hybrid For cultivation as a table fruit., PCR based detection of banana developed bunchy top virus(BBTV), Pedal operated Arecanut dehusker., Pedal operated coconut dehusker, Pilot plant for liquid adhesive from cassava starch, Pochonia chlamydosporia MTCC 5412, Pochonia chlamydposporia 1% W.P, Potato : Kufri Anand (Hybrid MS/82-717)(1999), Potato : Kufri Arun (Hybrid MS/92-2105)(2004), Potato : Kufri Ashoka (Hybrid PJ-376)(1996), Potato : Kufri Badshah (Hybrid JF-4870)(1979), Potato : Kufri Bahar (Hybrid E-3797)(1980), Potato : Kufri Chipsona-3 (Hybrid MP/97-583)(2005), Potato : Kufri Giriraj (Hybrid SM/85-45)(1998), Potato : Kufri Himalini (Hybrid SM/91-1515)(2005), Potato : Kufri Himsona , Potato : Kufri Jawahar (Hybrid JH-222)(1996), Potato : Kufri Lalima (Hybrid BS/C-1753)(1982), Potato : Kufri Lauvkar (Hybrid A-7416), Potato : Kufri Pukhraj (Hybrid JEX/C-166)(1998), Potato : Kufri Pushkar (Hybrid JW-160)(2004), Potato : Kufri Sadabahar, Potato : Kufri Shailja (Hybrid SM/87-185)(2004), Potato : Kufri Surya (Hybrid HT/92-621)(2005), Potato : Kufri Sutlej (Hybrid JI-5857)(1996), Potato : Kufri Swarna (Hybrid SON-110)(1985), Potato : TPS Population 92-PT-27(2007), Potential strain Trichoderma viride-NRCB-1, Preparation of banana fig from under exploited varieties of banana and unmarketable banana fruits, Production procedure of chryosopid predator,1. Mallada boninensis : A versatile predator of insect pests of citrus.2.Application / Use: For biological control of citrus blackfly, psylla, leaf min, Protein and dietary fibre enriched cassava mini- papads, Pseudomonas fluorescens IISR-6 (MTCC 5178)., Pumpkin : Kashi Harit (IVPK- 226), Radial Arm Type Cashew Kernel Extracting Machine, Radish : Kashi Hans (IIVR-2), Radish : Kashi Sweta (IIVR-1), Raised bed technology with coconut husk burial for year round vegetable production, Rapid micropropagation of Aloe barbadensis Mill, Raw mango squash (panna), RT-PCR based detection technology for banana bract mosaic virus (BBrMV), RT-PCR based detection of banana mosaic caused by Cucumber Mosaic virus (CMV), Safe application of microorganisms along with the input material in vermicompost units, Safed Musli : INGR 04113, promising line of (Chlorophytum borivilianum), a popular medicinal plant (an endangered species)., Safed Musli : INGR 04114, promising lines of Safed Musli(Chlorophytum borivilianum), a popular medicinal plant(an endangered species)., Safed Musli : INGR 06023, promising clone of Aloe (Aloe barbadensis), Safed Musli : INGR 06024, promising clone of Aloe (Aloe barbadensis) , Serpentine method for production of planting material in black pepper, Shell Fired Copra Dryer, Shoot tip grafting technique for production of disease free planting material, Site Specific Nutrient Management in Citrus, Snap melon : AHS-10, Snow Ball Tender Nut Machine, Soil Suitability Criteria for Citrus, Solar dryer, Starch based biodegradable plastics, Sweet Potato : Bidhan Jagannath, Sweet Potato : Birsa Sakarkhand -1 , Sweet Potato : CO-3, Sweet Potato : Co-CIP-1 , Sweet Potato : Indira Madhur, Sweet Potato : Indira Nandini, Sweet Potato : Indira Naveen, Sweet Potato : NDSP-10, Sweet Potato : RNSP-3, Technology for growing oyster mushrooms on coconut waste, Telescopic sprayer for Palms, Tender nut punch and cutter, Thippi based broiler feed, Tomato : Arka Abhijit is a high yielding F1 hybrid with resistance to bacterial wilt suitable for fresh market., Tomato : Arka Ananya, High yielding F1 hybrid with combined resistance to ToLCV and Bacterial wilt., Tomato : Arka Shreshta is a high yielding F1 hybrid with resistance to bacterial wilt suitable for fresh market., Tomato : Kashi Amrit (DVRT-1) , Tomato : Kashi Anupam (DVRT-2), Tomato : Kashi Hemant (IIVR Sel-1), Tomato : Kashi Sharad (IIVR Sel-2), Tomato : Kashi Vishesh (H-86), Trichoderma harzianum IISR-P26 (MTCC5179), Trichoderma harzianum., Turmeric : IISR-Alleppey Supreme , Turmeric : IISR-Kedaram , Uniform ripening of mangoes with ethrel, Value added food products from cassava based composite flour, Vegetable Pea : Kashi Mukti (VRP-22), Vegetable Pea : Kashi Nandini (VRP-5), Vegetable Pea : Kashi Shakti (VRP-7), Vegetable Pea : Kashi Udai (VRP-6), vermicompost, Watermelon rind candy, Watermelon RTS beverage, Watermelon(Mateera) : Thar Manak, Yam : Konkan Ghorkhand, Yam : Konkan Kanchan, Yam Bean : RM-1